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Photo of augusto montoya correa Colombia

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Augusto Correa Montoya


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Augusto Correa Montoya

Name: 6 "> Augusto Correa Montoya

Address: 5 "> Carrera 62 No. 87 Sur 204-180

6 "> City of La Estrella, Antioquia

Phone Number: 4 "> 279 32 59

Place of Birth: Arriaga

Studies: Graduated from Liceo Efe Gomez Fredonia

Other studies: 2 "> Naval Academy of Cartagena

2 "> Colombian Cinema School

1 "> Animated drawing in Medellin

1 "> Institute of Fine Arts with the professor Eladio Velez, Emiro Botero and Manuel Viza.

mso-ansi-language: ES-TRAD "> Hernando Escobar Toro

M. Rodrigo Arenas Betancur


Fareast-mso-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; "> · Textile Technical Drawing

· Publicity Drawing

· Animated Drawing and Comics

· Drawing Lithography

· Sculpture, Painting and illustration

Symbol; "> · Poesy


Collective Exposition. Modern Art, Bogota 1953

justify "> Meeting of Caricaturists of Antioquia, Medellin, 1966

Arts works in Equator, Panama, United States and Canada

Individual American Exposition Colombo, October 26 of 1967

Room Artists of Antioquia in 1969

line-height: 115%; font-family: "Arial", "sans-serif" "> Collective of Turantioquia. Medellin, October 11 of 1970

Individual: Club of professional from Medellin, October 25 of 1973

Collective: Museum of Antioquia. November 30 of 1984

"Arial", "sans-serif" "> Museum of Antioquia. November 30 of 1985

Museum of Antioquia. November 30 of 1986

Collective: 1 "> Room Tabares. The Village, June 30 of 1982

Collective: Room of the Architects and Engineers Society. June 30 of 1981

Second Exposition: March 5 of 1982

10pt; text-align: justify "> Collective: Itagui, Exposition, June 5 of 1998

Collective: ASDESILLAS: in 1994, 1995, 1996 and July 30 of 1998

Collective: Worldwide Festival of Comics, September 29 - October 5 of 1998

In the Exhibition Hall, Medellin

Collective: Art Fair - Oviedo Center, Medellin 1999

Collective: Collective Exposition La Estrella, Antioquia 1999

Collective: Exposition in Guatemala 1999

Individual: Foundation Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, Bogota, Colombia 1998.

Member and co-founder of "La Casa del Poeta de Medellin." Today extinguisher.

115%; font-family: "Arial", "sans-serif" ">

Augusto Correa Montoya

Cc Medellin 516453

"Arial", "sans-serif" ">

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